Church is great. The people in the branch (New Bell Branch)
are nice and patient with my French. The building is quite far and that seems
to be what makes the most people inactive in our branch, as far as I can tell.
We are teaching a fair few poeple. There is Sœur Anita, Sœur Ngando, Frère Ylla
(recent convert), Frère Guy and others we don't teach as frequently. I still
haven't taken many pictures, sorry, so I don't have any of my sunburn, though
that is tanning pretty nicely. The Pixar character is Russell from up. The
walking isn't as bad as I expected, so that is nice. It has also cooled down a
bit since we are in the rainy season. Fast Sunday was hard and by 6:30
PM I just really needed water so I ended my fast then, drank a bunch of
water and felt bloated. I'll take more pictures this week so I can send them to
you, can't wait to see you Mother's Day!
I fear no man!
Je t'aime
Elder Russell